Sleep & Insomnia Relief Breathwork

Restorative sleep is essential for healing and overall well-being, yet many struggle with insomnia due to overactive thoughts and nervous system imbalances. Sleep & Insomnia Relief Breathwork incorporates gentle, slow breathing methods such as 4-7-8 Breathing, Chandra Bhedana (Left Nostril Breathing), and Yoga Nidra Breath to quiet the mind, lower cortisol levels, and promote melatonin production. This practice prepares the body for deep, restful sleep, ensuring you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

For those struggling with sleep disorders, these techniques bring
deep relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Extended Nadi Shodhana

Slows down the nervous system.

4-7-8 Breathing

A proven technique for falling asleep faster.

Ladder Breathing

Eases overthinking and quiets the mind.

Pursed Lip Breathing

Helps regulate airflow for relaxation.

Three-Part Breath

Expands breath awareness for inner calm.

Hypnotic Breathing

Guides the mind into deep rest.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Generates a meditative, soothing effect.

Humming Pranayama

The vibrations calm the brain and nervous system.

Conscious Sighing Breathwork

Releases tension and stress.